Pain is Weird

Excellent article on on pain physiology, and the effect the brain and beliefs have on pain intensity

Eight Keys to Forgiveness

In this excellent article, Robert Enright, PhD discusses various reasons and methods on how to develop a more compassionate and forgiving mind. Good stuff! have a read here

So Many Reasons To Meditate…

In a manner similar to flossing or exercise, meditation is an act of basic (mental) hygiene. Whatever reason that helps you to practice is sufficient… but if you needed 76 more of them, have a look through this recent blog post that summarizes some of the most...

Happiness is love. Full stop.

Here’s a fascinating article about a 75-year long study that followed men through their lifespan and examined many of the factors that promoted longevity and happiness. Interestingly, warm relationships appeared as a central factor for multiple measures of...